Dr. Pia Kontos, OA-INVOLVE investigator, is a Senior Scientist at Toronto Rehabilitaiton Institute-University Health Network and Associate Professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. Her research program represents a convergence of several key interests or themes: critical interrogation of norms and assumptions underpinning care practices in long-term care and rehabilitation settings; a philosophy and approach to person-centred and relational care that emphasizes embodied selfhood (the importance of the body – its movements and gestures – for self-expression); and the arts for improving quality of life and well-being, and for triggering personal and organizational change. The aim of her research is to challenge dominant assumptions, foster critical reflection, and envision new possibilities for supporting, caring, and relating. Pia’s work is interdisciplinary drawing upon philosophy, sociological studies of health, critical social theories, and the arts. Her research is primiarly qualitative including the use of research-based theatre, improvisational drama, film, participant observation, and interview methods.